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The Quality Of Life 720p Torrent

Writer's picture: lockfloorvenddennulockfloorvenddennu

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None of this understanding can be reached, however, without thesearching impulse of the poet who consistently provides a bridge between thereader and the different levels of spiritual understanding. As I suggested atthe beginning of this discussion, the poet balances the demands of twoconflicting roles: the eyewitness of the here-and-now and the visionaryquality of the creator. The war demands that dual role of the poet, and thosedemands bring to the poet both her visions (the tree, the Lady) and theability to interpret them for the reader. The tree symbolizes hope and acompletely peaceful kind of triumph; the Lady represents a new kind of power;both of these are inextricably linked to the war. The tree is a product ofthe war both literally and metaphorically: a bomb-blasted object which isboth alive and dead, and a symbol which is given by a higher power to showthose trapped by war that life can continue. The Lady is a figure provoked bywar trauma, the product--I believe--of a mind which is under great pressureand needs an affirming image; H.D. chooses a figure which approves of thepoet's purpose and thus of the poetry which H.D. writes to describe her.H.D.'s desire for a poetry that makes things happen has been fulfilled,since she has written a poem which has provoked a vision that has, in turn,validated the writing of her poem. H.D. both creates the Lady's"unwritten volume" and writes upon it; in the sense that H.D. seeksto rewrite herself as a creator, she has recreated herself in the Lady as aneyewitness of humanity's flaws and potential resurrection. The dualroles of the poet, observer and creator, namer and inventor, are satisfied inthe Lady, who is both the speaker's vision and the speaker herself.

The Quality of Life 720p torrent



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