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How Cdbf - Dbf Viewer And Editor 1.4 Can Help You Access, Edit and Export DBF Files

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CDBF is a small yet powerful application designed for viewing and editing DBF database files. This tool features full control over the DBF files, allowing you to easily make necessary changes while viewing, to restore corrupt databases and to directly edit the file headers with the built-in hexadecimal editor. The program supports all kinds of memo fields (dBaseIII, dBaseIV, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro, dBase Level 7, SMT) and allows exporting data to a variety of formats (plain text, MS Excel, Clipper and FoxPro source files, SQL server scripts, DBF). CDBF also includes a tool that allows you to create professionally looking reports in just a few seconds. Some of the many features include: the ability to work with multiple files simultaneously, powerful filtering capabilities, sorting, creation of new DBF files, search and replace functions, support of ANSI and OEM character sets, a built-in calculator that can substitute field names with their values, customizable field headers, the ability to append information from external DBF and plain text files, a list of favorite files and more. CDBF is a multi-platform program. CDBF is available in the following versions: Windows (both GUI and console), DOS (Protected mode) and Linux (both Shared and Static).

Cdbf - Dbf Viewer And Editor 1.4

A powerful database viewer and editor that allows home and business users to access databases directly using the familiar Windows interface. No programming skills needed! CDBF offers everything you need for working with databases.

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Advanced DBF Editor Télécharger Advanced DBF Editor gratuit. Advanced DBF Editor est un viewer compact et rapide et un éditeur destiné aux développeurs qui ont besoin d'un accès instantané au contenu des fichiers de base de données DBF

Also, the 'view' function of the program allows a smart string searchfor all results that can match the base characters you supply. If youno longer need certain data listed in the directory, Addy lets youremove as many entries as you can vaguely describe. In other words, ifyou have 70 people in your directory whose names begin with the letter'A', you can input that single letter in the 'remove' function, andpress 'Y' to verify and confirm each.AEROLOGVersion:3.0Summary:AEROLOG: Tracks aerobic exercise 14 1994, 65.5K)AGSSummary:Turns dBase III setups into menu driven 8 1988, 126.4K)ALBUMSummary:Track media bought & sold, selective 20 1995, 208.1K)AlbumMasterSummary:AlbumMaster: Catalog your 19 1996, 379.4K)ALBUMSSummary:DBMS for CD/record/tape music 23 1991, 78.3K)ALBUMTRXSummary:Catalog program for albums and CD' 27 1991, 295.7K)AMSFVersion:2.0Summary:Array Management System - Fortran 5 1992, 250.7K)APSummary:Bibliographical database for academic 6 1990, 137.9K)Around the HouseVersion:3.00Summary:Around the House: Home/personal info 6 1996, 463.3K)AS-BIBSummary:AScribe DRAFT Bibliography ManagerLicense:SharewareAuthor:Richard Pottinger, dba DR. Abel Scribe 9 1999, 161.8K)Description:AScribe is a bibliography and reference manager, a personal card catalogand reference editor for research sources. Enter citations to journalarticles, books, reports, reviews, and other sources to the card file.Add your own notes. Select a reference format: Author-Date (RL),Bibliography (B), or Note (N). References are edited in the style ofKate Turabian's Manual for Writers, 6th ed. Compose a topicalbibliography, an annotated bibliography, or a reference list for a paper(up to 600 references). AScribe composes a word processor file in RTFor DOC formats, or in ASCII-DOS Text. AScribe self-configures to run ona floppy disk (for students who rely on their school's computers) or ahard drive. Registration is not required to catalog 40 cards, registerto catalog 600.ASCDBFSummary:Convert txt report file to delimited data 17 1992, 55K)ASHTIPSSummary:Tips using Ashton Tate's dBASE 9 1987, 40K)AssetsInventorySummary:Home/Business Inventory SysLicense:SharewareAuthor:Douglas M Yobe, DougSoft SystemsEmail:douglas_yobe@geocities.comHomepage: 29 1998, 1.2M)Description:AssetsInventory can be used to record your personal or business assets. Reports can be printed under category or location, so it can also be used for cataloguing miscellaneous items like your magazines, books etc. Powerful search function will locate records with descriptions that sound like your search query, for instance a search query for "Daglas" will list records with "Douglas", "Dhaglas", "dagilasi" as the first words in the description field.AssetsRegstSummary:Home/Office Assets Register [1/2]License:SharewareAuthor:Douglas M Yobe, DougSoft SystemsEmail:douglas_yobe@geocities.comHomepage: 22 1997, 117.6K) 22 1997, 1.2M)Description:AssetsRegst is a simple but powerful system for recording your personal or business assets. You can print reports under location or category.ATTENDSummary:Church membership contribution and attendanceLicense:SharewareAuthor:Lawrence W. Kirkland, 21 2000, 390.1K)Description:Attend is a network-ready program that maintains a database of yourchurch congregation's attendance, contributions, membership status,pledges, birthdays and more that may be used from year-to-year without arenewal fee. The one time registration fee for this password protectedprogram will allow "stove pipe" or one common database operation fromchildren's church through adult.AUCTNVersion:6.7Summary:Auction info. mgmt. system - 23 1996, 129.3K)Audio LibrarianSummary:Audio Librarian: Music 20 1996, 191.2K)AudioNexusVersion:1.3Summary:AudioNexus: Music library 18 1996, 270.4K)Auto PriceVersion:2.20Summary:Auto Price: New car pricing 31 1992, 223.5K)AVPLANSummary:Aviation preflight planning 7 1989, 197.6K)Index A [B] C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z BARSummary:Graphical database guide to cocktails & 26 1994, 315.6K)BCASTSummary:Daily Solar Geophys. database manager/ 29 1992, 244.5K)BDBFSSummary:Multiformat DBF editor and viewerLicense:SharewareAuthor:Yevgen BondarEmail:bondar_eugen@yahoo.comHomepage: _Eugen/ 12 2001, 465.8K)Description:BDBFS provides a powerful, easy-to-use GUI interface for alteringlow-level database files without having to use a database package.Load up many types of databases, including Clipper, FoxPro, dBase, Six.Over 100 functions are available through pull-down menus, with manyavailable through hotkeys as well. The various search function letsyou find a string or a function using standard dBase language and acton some or all matches. This utility also lets you modify structures,pack the database, copy, clear and swap records, print report forms,check database header, export the open database as HTML and much more.BIBLOGICVersion:3.02Summary:BIBLOGIC: Bibliographic database 19 1993, 357.5K)BILLSummary:PC-Billing - Easy invoicing 10 1990, 86.6K)BIZZ WIZZSummary:BIZZ WIZZ: Complete small business 9 1994, 379.6K)Book LibrarianSummary:Book Librarian: Book library management 20 1996, 242.8K)BookBank IIVersion:2.01Summary:BookBank II: Personal library 26 1994, 125.2K)BooksNexusVersion:1.3Summary:BooksNexus: Book library 18 1996, 265.5K)BOWLING ASSISTANTVersion:5.62Summary:BOWLING ASSISTANT: League Secretary 12 1995, 265.7K)BowlStat/YSMVersion:3.2Summary:BowlStat/YSM: Bowling Statistics 5 1995, 377.4K)BSMSummary:Tracks baseball statistics. Easy to 13 1992, 43.5K)BTRANSummary:Create transit directions for your 5 1994, 126.7K)BUDGVersion:3.5Summary:Budget manager for Paradox 3.5License:SharewareRequires:Paradox DBMS, version 3.5 or later.Email:rreid@angel.chico.joshuanet.comHomepage: rreid/ 11 1997, 26.8K)Description:BUDGETER lets you manage your monthly budget with PARADOX 3.5 or later. The output report shows the progression through the selected month, so temporary shortfalls are easy to track down.Business BaseSummary:Business Base: Small business data base 4 1996, 174.5K)Index A B [C] D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z C2DBASESummary:Collection of 'C' utilities for dBase 28 1985, 52.5K)CARDFILE 150Summary:3x5 card file manager, handles 5 1990, 17.6K)CARDSCANSummary:Scans/converts Windows 2 1996, 17.3K)CARSSummary:Auto expense tracking and reporting 27 1990, 41.8K)CARUSAGESummary:Automobile monthly expense/usage database 4 1993, 74.7K)CASSummary:Church Accounting System (SonShine Software) 23 1996, 306.4K)CassetteMasterVersion:9.10Summary:CassetteMaster: Catalog your 19 1996, 388.1K)Catalog your musicSummary:Catalog your music: song search,reports,& 9 1992, 101.8K)CD Library ManagerSummary:CD Library Manager: Organize CD 1 1995, 53.5K)CDBFSummary:Small DBF viewer and editorLicense:SharewareAuthor:Sergey Chehuta, WhiteTown SoftwareEmail:sergey@whitetown.comHomepage: 13 2000, 103.1K)Description:The CDBF program is a very fast and small DBF viewer and DBF-formatfile editor. In contrast to many similar programs, this one makes nodistinction between viewing and editing modes - in both modes you areable to fulfill any actions with the database in use. The program alsoallows viewing and editing memo fields in dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro,VFP formats. A memo field type is identified automatically.CDBFILESummary:C++ library to handle dBASE III files (GPL)License:Free software (GNU Public License)Requires:Any C++ compiler should 25 1997, 90.8K)Description:CDBFile is a C++ object-oriented package for programmers who need to manipulate dBASE III files in their programs. It enables you to perform many operations on an existing DBF file: reading/writing to it, accessing its values, sorting the records, adding/deleting records, etc. It comes with full text and postscript documentation, and commented source code. A demonstration program, TestDBF, shows the various possibilities of the CDBFile library, and its source file, testdbf.cpp, demonstrates how to implement CDBFile within a program. CDBFile was designed to be as portable as possible: you should be able to compile it under "as is" any DOS/Windows C++ compiler; porting it to Un*x/Linux should also require little effort. Since CDBFile is distributed under the GNU Public License for libraries, I hope that programmers will like it and suggest or implement enhance- ments and additional features to that piece of software.CDEB10BVersion:1.0bSummary:Compact DOS Electronic Address BookLicense:SharewareAuthor:Andy 16 1999, 29.2K)Description:You can carry Compact DOS Electronic Address Book v1.0b with you on afloppy. It stores e-mail addresses and Has fields for two address linesas well as city & state fields; two sets of them, one for home and onefor work. Fax number, comments are also recorded.CDMasterVersion:8.60Summary:CDMaster: Catalog your CD 19 1996, 384.8K)CDPBVersion:1.0Summary:Compact DOS Phone BookLicense:SharewareAuthor:Andy 2 1999, 29K)Description:Compact DOS Phone Book v1.0 is another in a line of Compact DOSprograms; this is just a simple phone book program. It has threefields: first name, last name, and 25 characters in the third field fora phone number, including extension if there is one. This is anotherprogram that can be carried around on a floppy. Up to 500 entries.Simple search feature.CDSVersion:5.8Summary:Music CD cataloguing 10 1995, 104.5K)CEMSummary:Records cemetery tombstone 9 1993, 191.8K)CEQPTSummary:Database for equipment service/usage 18 1997, 205.7K)Description:A program for keeping details of equipment and notes on its history.ChexVersion:2.52Summary:Chex: Easy-to-use checkbook 2 1992, 95.4K)CHEXBALSummary:Use with CHEX, totals balances of all 31 1986, 8.6K)Church Data Helper PlusVersion:2.3Summary:Church Data Helper Plus: Church 5 1995, 1.3M)CIAMCKSummary:CIA World Fact Book in MCKS 14 1995, 1M)CINVTSummary:Tracks stock inventory levels & creates 18 1997, 207.2K)Description:A program to track stock levels in a store and print out orders on request of stocks that are below required levels.CKITOTSummary:Personal double-entry accounting system 22 1990, 284.8K)CKMGRVersion:1.70Summary:Checking account 11 1988, 112K)CLKLIBSummary:Very useful routines for the dBASE 22 1994, 61.7K)CMSSummary:Church Membership System (Sonshine Software) 23 1996, 268.9K)COINSummary:Coin and currency cataloging 2 1996, 72.8K)COINS11ASummary:Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 2 1995, 917.1K)COINS11BSummary:Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 7 1995, 286.4K)CoinsNexusVersion:1.3Summary:CoinsNexus: Numismatic collection 18 1996, 256.8K)COLLECTSummary:Collect; a configurable DB for 8 1991, 223.6K)Collection AgencySummary:Collection Agency: Accounts receivable 23 1995, 90.9K)CollectorMateVersion:2.1Summary:CollectorMate: Database for 22 1993, 309K)ComDataVersion:3.3Summary:ComData: Database - stores 1 1997, 189.2K)ComInfo 2Summary:Database management 25 1997, 348.8K)Description:COMINFO v2.0 - This product is an updated and upgraded version of our original database management system ComInfo v1.0. It has been re-written, with a new design and new features. This program will help you keep track of people, their names and addresses, their companies, phone, fax numbers, and E-mail addresses. All records can be added, edited, deleted, sorted, printed, displayed, and searched for. Moreover, to each record you can add a special file that can contain up to 32 kB of information. These special files don't have to be uploaded separately, on the contrary, when you display a record on the screen and decide to add a special file to it, just one click with your mouse will do it. Editing and printing either the whole record or just the address label can be done from anywhere in the program.CONTACSummary:Contacts management. Phone, fax, E-Mail 13 1992, 147.9K)CONVDBSummary:Converts ASCII files to dBASE compatible 4 1990, 57.2K)COUNT41GSummary:Multi-element digital counter and 8 1997, 299.2K)Description:Counter is a DOS software program that uses an IBM compatible computer as a multi-element digital lab counter. Keyboard keys are assigned to up to 600 user configurable items (species). Counter keeps a database of counts for these objects for up to 1000 samples that can be exported as an ASCII file and imported into most spreadsheet programs and statistical software. Counter uses a four tier data backup strategy to maintain the data. Data integrity is maintained even in the event of power failure. Counter eliminates data transcription errors and saves manual typing of data into a spreadsheet.CrossMagicVersion:3.02Summary:Cross-stitch databaseLicense:SharewareAuthor:Murray Moffatt, Model SystemsEmail:murray@ns.planet.gen.nzHomepage: 3 1998, 282.2K)Description:CrossMagic v3.02 is a database for cross-stitch hobbyists. It allows you to enter and maintain details on all your threads, charts & projects. It'll print reports on what threads you've run out of and need to buy again, which charts you can make with your existing stock of floss, what floss you need to buy to make a particular chart, inventory lists, complete and unfinished projects, it'll even let you enter a search text and will list all the charts you own that pertain to that subject. Comes with a complete catalogue of DMC & Anchor Embrodiery Floss, Balger/Krenik Filament, DMC Flower Thread, Balger Ribbon. Evenweave conversion is catered for, menu-driven, pop-up windows, comprehensive on-line help, very easy to use.CSVIDEOSSummary:Catalog your videotapes/laserdiscs/ 28 1995, 7.9K)CTDBSummary:Cocktail Database manager, Sam 7 1997, 37.2K)CTSVersion:1.05Summary:Contribution tracking systemLicense:SharewareRequires:DOS 3.1 or above, 640K RAM, Hard drive.Author:BandiCat 2 1997, 237.6K)Description:CTS v1.05 Contribution Tracking System: The Contribution Tracking System (CTS) is a detailed program for organizations who need to track the contributions made to the organization by individuals or other organizations and print statements for those who gave. You may set up different funds to allocate monies to and track pledges or commitments. CTS offers an attractive, friendly, menu-driven interface. Almost any printer is supported. A hard disk is recommended. CTS will run on color as well as monochrome monitors and offers mouse support. There are other reports available such as birthday reports and labels (1,2, or 3 across). Updates are planned and we are accepting suggestions for the future.CVSSummary:Visitation database system for the 21 1996, 177K)CVSCHEDSummary:Database & scheduling for church volunteersLicense:CharitywareRequires:A word processor is needed to print the schedules.Email:ClifLeitch@aol.comHomepage: 18 1997, 242.7K)Description:CV-Schedule ("Church Volunteer Scheduler") is a PC program for automatically scheduling the volunteers who help at Church. It is typically used to make service schedules for Ushers, Greeters, Choir, Organist, Musicians, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors or Readers, Altar Servers, Offertory Family, Nursery Attendants, and any other Ministries that are needed at Church Service or Mass. CV-Schedule can schedule volunteers for: * Regular Saturday and Sunday Services or Masses * Weekday Services or Masses * Special Services or Masses such as Christmas Day, Good Friday, etc. * Any other events that occur on a regular weekly schedule or on a one-time basis * Ministry sub-groups such as Lector I and Lector II, or Head Usher and regular Usher This program gives you Schedules and Sign-In Sheets that are ready to view and print using your word processor and computer printer. There is no need to transfer information by hand to a paper form.Index A B C [D] E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Data + PlusVersion:3.92Summary:Data + Plus: dBase clone, part 1 of 1 1989, 128.6K)Data + PlusVersion:3.92Summary:Data + Plus: dBase clone, part 2 of 1 1989, 75.2K)DATACANSummary:Browse/export compressed DBF/ASCII 10 1995, 226.9K)DB3GEN3BSummary:NARDAC dBIII+ appl. gen. req FOXPLUS (runtime) 19 1990, 198K)dBaseIII utilSummary:dBaseIII util: Count/pack/print/search 16 1991, 108.8K)DBBSummary:View/browse dBASE III/III Plus database 3 1989, 16.3K)DBDESSummary:Prints Paradox table's structureLicense:FreewareRequires:BP 7.0x only if you want to modify and recompile it. An optional 30 1997, 38.9K)Description:DbDesc is a DOS command line utility that prints the structure of one or more Paradox tables along with its associate indexes. The output can be redirected to a device or file without printing. Also long file names supported if executed in a Windows 95 DOS box.DBFEDSummary:dBASE/Foxbase database editor/viewer/ 14 1990, 122K)DBFUSummary:Utility for displaying dBASE file 26 1990, 29.3K)DBPASSSummary:Password routines for dBASE IV 10 1992, 5.5K)DBPERLSummary:Large database of Internet sites and 2 1996, 556.1K)DBSOFTSummary:Database for inventorying computer 13 1995, 126.3K)DBSRCSummary:Creates BP7 src from Paradox 4 24 1995, 106.4K)DBTVersion:1.11Summary:Makes a TAB delimited ASCII report from a DBFLicense:FreewareAuthor:Simone 24 1997, 15.9K)Description:dBTAB v1.11 is a software designed to convert a DBF file to an ASCII file. It can be used to produce text files with fields delimited by TAB (ASCII #9) characters; these text files can be imported into a word processor's documents and then converted into tables using features included in all the major word-processing programs. The dBTAB's user interface is command-line oriented and requires very few resources to run. dBTAB's output can be customized using a user defined mask supplied on the command line. The user can choose to include in the ASCII report only a subset of the DBF's fields. Dates can be included in the report using the four digits year format, avoiding the well known "Year 2000" problem. dBTAB may filter out records marked as "deleted".DBTCHKSummary:Checks/fixes .DBT memo files for dBase/ 5 1990, 22.1K)DBUDDYSummary:Builds .DBF/.DBT dBase compat. files from 24 1993, 76.9K)DBVVersion:1.23Summary:DBF database file view/search utility, 6 1994, 43.5K)DBXSummary:dBASE file eXtract 20 1996, 17.3K)DCTDATASummary:Customer Database, prints list/mailing 31 1989, 124.2K)DEDITSummary:dBase/Clipper programmer's database 17 1991, 120K)DFIXUPSummary:Indents/checks dBASE .PRG 25 1988, 17.4K)DIMPRTSummary:Cvt fixed-length ASCII to comma-delimited 27 1990, 28.3K)DirTelVersion:3.28Summary:Electronic address book, EnglishLicense:FreewareAuthor:Jorge Franganillo, E.U. Biblioteconomia i 26 1999, 40.9K) 26 1999, 41.6K) 26 1999, 40.3K)Description:DirTel is an electronic address book which allows the user to carry outa complete file management. It holds post and electronic addresses andsupports searches by fields. Information can be printed on paper,labels or envelopes using any kind of printer. It can convert datafiles into several formats including RTF, HTML and ASCII delimited text(importable from database management systems as dBASE or MS Access). Itsupports special software designed for blind people which displaysscreen data on tactile Braille devices.DJPRO12BSummary:Music Collection Database created just for 6 1996, 165.1K)DlistVersion:1.10Summary:Dlist: Convert .DBF file to a 29 1992, 43.8K)DMASTSummary:Create/modify/sort/report/query dBase 29 1996, 375.6K)DMETD4FPSummary:Communications lib for dBASE 4 and 4 1991, 36K)DNSummary:Self-relating, free format database, 3of4License:SharewareRequires:DN2 is compatible with all IBM PC and compatibles(286 and later) running DOS 3.3 or later and is compatible with Windows3.1 and Windows 1 1997, 2.3M)Description:DN2 is an intelligent self-relating free format database system. * Automatically links related items * Automatic hypertext links between records * Data stored in free format text * Data retrieved by title, subject, or natural language query * It's like an electronic librarian you can talk too! * Appearance and behaviour is highly configurable * Complete with demonstration applications including Over 40000 entry general encyclopaedia! * Multi-user compatible * Interfaces with other software Suitable for use by: * Academics * Educational institutions * Intelligence services * Medical libraries * Home users Supports up to 2 billion items (records) subject to hard disk space and DOS restrictions.DNSummary:Self-relating, free format database, 1of4License:SharewareRequires:DN2 is compatible with all IBM PC and compatibles(286 and later) running DOS 3.3 or later and is compatible with Windows3.1 and Windows 1 1997, 71.8K)Description:DN2 is an intelligent self-relating free format database system. * Automatically links related items * Automatic hypertext links between records * Data stored in free format text * Data retrieved by title, subject, or natural language query * It's like an electronic librarian you can talk too! * Appearance and behaviour is highly configurable * Complete with demonstration applications including Over 40000 entry general encyclopaedia! * Multi-user compatible * Interfaces with other software Suitable for use by: * Academics * Educational institutions * Intelligence services * Medical libraries * Home users Supports up to 2 billion items (records) subject to hard disk space and DOS restrictions.DNSummary:Self-relating, free format database, 4of4License:SharewareRequires:DN2 is compatible with all IBM PC and compatibles(286 and later) running DOS 3.3 or later and is compatible with Windows3.1 and Windows 1 1997, 75K)Description:DN2 is an intelligent self-relating free format database system. * Automatically links related items * Automatic hypertext links between records * Data stored in free format text * Data retrieved by title, subject, or natural language query * It's like an electronic librarian you can talk too! * Appearance and behaviour is highly configurable * Complete with demonstration applications including Over 40000 entry general encyclopaedia! * Multi-user compatible * Interfaces with other software Suitable for use by: * Academics * Educational institutions * Intelligence services * Medical libraries * Home users Supports up to 2 billion items (records) subject to hard disk space and DOS restrictions.DNSummary:Self-relating, free format database, 2of4License:SharewareRequires:DN2 is compatible with all IBM PC and compatibles(286 and later) running DOS 3.3 or later and is compatible with Windows3.1 and Windows 1 1997, 1.4M)Description:DN2 is an intelligent self-relating free format database system. * Automatically links related items * Automatic hypertext links between records * Data stored in free format text * Data retrieved by title, subject, or natural language query * It's like an electronic librarian you can talk too! * Appearance and behaviour is highly configurable * Complete with demonstration applications including Over 40000 entry general encyclopaedia! * Multi-user compatible * Interfaces with other software Suitable for use by: * Academics * Educational institutions * Intelligence services * Medical libraries * Home users Supports up to 2 billion items (records) subject to hard disk space and DOS restrictions.DN2Version:3.0Summary:AI databaseLicense:SharewareAuthor:Matthew Probert, Servile 9 1998, 1.7M)Description:DN2 is an intelligent self-relating free format database system with thefollowing features: 2ff7e9595c


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