The error message means that the dll was found but a required function is missing. (Jitter is right.) This implies that you have the dll you need, but not the right version. (Davefiddes is right, although the problem can be any dll, not just the Microsoft runtime library. And, at least for major updates, Microsoft gives its runtime libraries different names, so in that case it wouldn't be an issue.)
Therefore, the missing function was expected to be found not in the dll which is being explicitly loaded by the LoadLibrary command, but in a dependent dll which is being implicitly loaded at the same time, because the first dll requires it. (Zebrabox was close.)
unable to load dll error 127
A dependent dll is a dll that is "statically" linked to the library being explicitly loaded, via an import library, or .lib file, included on the linker step of the explicitly loaded dll. (I bet you didn't know that a "dynamic link library" could be "statically linked." Well, now you do.)
Dependent dlls can also have their own dependent dlls, which can make this problem very difficult to resolve. Depends might help, but if it doesn't, try filemon. The last dll that's successfully read before your error message is the one that's the wrong version.
Two guesses from me1. LoadLibrary calls the DllMain of the specified DLL (the first time you try and attach to your process). Long shot but is it there?2. LoadLibrary will load the specified DLL and all it's dependencies. So if a dependant module of the DLL can't be located in the search path that will cause the load to fail - you can use depends.exe to check - available here
A problem that's bitten me with VS 2005 in the past is that one part is built as a Release build and the other as a Debug build. These pull in different versions of the Microsoft runtime DLLs which are incompatible as you can only have one loaded in a given process.
When client.dll was loaded with LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH, it seems, that windows wasn't able to figure out which one of server.dll should be used in symbols resolution (both server.dll were successfully loaded, of course).
Check version of MPRAY:1. Start the rendering tool (this will load the MPRAY application).2. FromMenubar, go to Utilities > MDL Applications [MDL Applications dialog opens]3. Find MPRAY in Loaded Applications.4. Click "Details".
Hi all. I am working in Power Rail Track SS4, where I design drainage systems. Things are running fine (as fine as SUE can run), but when I try to either open a .cel file, or a drawing .dgn file with my Microsstation SS3 I get the following error in a black box:
Is this occurring with multiple machines or just a single user or single computer? I may suggest uninstalling/reinstalling the Power product as it could have a missing or corrupt dll on the machine. I don't know why that mcm.dll error is thrown but here is a few articles which mention the Error 127 message. One of them mentions to uninstall and reinstall without the unnecessary applications if your company doesn't user them (i.e. Descartes, Map, etc.):
Bringing an update to my issue. My company works for different clients, and sometimes these clients demand that we work on their ProjectWise server.When I right click a document and select "open with" and choose Microstation SS3, I can open documents from the clients server. But when I try and do the same on one of our own servers I get the error.Today I tryed letting a colleague login on my PC (using his windowslogin), and he has no problems opening files with microstation from the exact same server I can't open them from.
function gennr()var n=480678,t=new Date,e=t.getMonth()+1,r=t.getDay(),a=parseFloat("0."+String(e)+r);return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(Math.round(569086*a+n))var rng=document.querySelector("#restoro-downloads");rng.innerHTML=gennr();rng.removeAttribute("id");var restoroDownloadLink=document.querySelector("#restoro-download-link"),restoroDownloadArrow=document.querySelector(".restoro-download-arrow"),restoroCloseArrow=document.querySelector("#close-restoro-download-arrow");if(window.navigator.vendor=="Google Inc.")restoroDownloadLink.addEventListener("click",function()setTimeout(function()"flex",500),restoroCloseArrow.addEventListener("click",function()"none"));
Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.Click here to download and start repairing.
In most situations, you are not prompted with errors, so you might think that your program was properly configured. But, in fact there might be corrupted files that can cause the DLL errors 126 and 127 events.
Then I followed the instructions here and copped the dll files "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" from Postgresql>11>bin>postgisgui into the bin folder just above it. Note I did all of this without having opened up pgadmin or anything else yet, idk if that would have an effect on this. Then I opened up pgadmin 4 and went to the db I wanted to enable postgis on and instead of querying "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" (bc that didnt wana work and threw a new error) I used the gui tree on the left and went to extension>create extension and created an extension to postgis. At that point everything seemed to be working as normal, and I installed the rest of the extensions according to the normal querying style (exp "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology") and was able to execute all the commands to the right of this page without error. This is the full response to "SELECT postgis_full_version();"
People often prefer to refer to Unable to load CorelDrw.dll as a "runtime error", also known as a software bug. Developers like Corel Corporation usually go through several checkpoints before launching a software program like CorelDRAW. Unfortunately, engineers are human beings and can often make blunders during testing, missing error 127.
Some individuals can experience the message "Unable to load CorelDrw.dll. Error Code: 127." while running the software. If Unable to load CorelDrw.dll occurs, developers will be told about that issue though error reporting built-into the application. Programmers can then correct these errors in the code and include a hotfix that can be downloaded from their website. In order to correct any documented errors (like error 127) in the system, the developer can make use of a CorelDRAW update kit.
Error 127 Crash - Error 127 will stop the machine from performing a regular program operation. This occurs a lot when the product (CorelDRAW) or computer is unable to handle the unique input data.
Unable to load CorelDrw.dll Memory Leak - The consequences of a CorelDRAW memory leak involve a malfunctioning operating system. Possible provocations include lack of memory de-allocation and having reference to bad code such as infinite loops.
Error 127 Logic Error - A logic error happens when CorelDRAW produces wrong output from the right input. It materializes when Corel Corporation's source code is flawed due to faulty design.
Most Unable to load CorelDrw.dll errors are the result of a missing or corrupt version of the file installed by CorelDRAW. Replacing your Corel Corporation file is generally a solution to fixing these issues. Also, maintaining a clean and optimized Windows registry can help in preventing invalid Corel Corporation file path references, so we highly recommend running a registry scan on a regular basis.
CorelDRAW-involved Unable to load CorelDrw.dll issues happen during install, when Unable to load CorelDrw.dll-related software is running, startup or shutdown, or during the Windows installation process. Notating when Unable to load CorelDrw.dll errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the CorelDRAW problems and reporting them to Corel Corporation for help.
1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG GetFirewallDaemonEntryPoint: entrypoint = cvfwd_init_sa90 for function = InitFirewallDaemon90 1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG D:\Win32\libCvFwDaemon.dll 1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG ERROR GetFirewallDaemonEntryPoint: Failed to load libCvFwDaemon.dll with Error = 127 (0x0000007F).
The build process will terminate as a result.----------------------------------------------------------and on the target PC,which reads:----------------------------------------------------------System:download started...System:download finishedunable to load DLL dependency:KERNEL32.dll.GetModuleHandlewerror:127Could not load model:corrupted file----------------------------------------------------------my software environment is:host PC: vista home basic+matlab R2008a+VC2008AND I'VE CHECKED THAT THE FILE:KERNEL32 IS NOT MISSING.Did anybody meet this problem before, how can i solve it?
_release/You'll see that the express version of Visual 2008 is not yetsupported for xPC Target. As you've seen, there are some problemswith how files are linked that are different than when you usethe full professional version of the compiler. R2008b comes closeto working with this compiler, but it won't work on R2007b orR2008a where you've tried it.If you download the Express Visual 2005 compiler, that will work.Gordon WeastxPC Target DevelopmentThe MathWorks
I got exactly the same problem mentioned in this thread.I'm using this compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express in R2010b.and the result of XPCTEST is as follows:xpctest### xPC Target v4.4 Test Suite ### Host-Target interface is: TCP/IP (Ethernet)### Test 1, Ping target PC 'TargetPC1' using system ping: ... OK### Test 2, Ping target PC 'TargetPC1' using xpctargetping: ... OK### Test 3, Software reboot the target PC 'TargetPC1': ..... OK### Test 4, Build and download an xPC Target application using model xpcosc to target PC 'TargetPC1': ... OK### Test 5, Check host-target command communications with 'TargetPC1': ... FAILEDI've actually used the xPC target for 2 days and have loaded and ran applications on it without any problem. However, this error comes out in a sudden when I tried to load one of the models and since then I could no longer load any other models anymore, even those I did before. Any solutions for this? Thanks.Gordon Weast wrote in message ... 2ff7e9595c