In this DVD, Instructor Mike Jensen goes into depth on many hard surface techniques in ZBrush. Mike starts off by explaining in detail many techniques like customizing the ui, creating meshes, brushes, and stamps. Next he then takes you through the process of creating an entire mechanical character and covers everything from starting with a concept mesh to creating a clean base mesh and detailing. Mike then takes the final model into 3ds Max and uses V-Ray to create materials and render out layer passes. Last he takes the renders into Photoshop to composite them together. Watch online or Download for Free[Eat3D] ZBrush Hard Surface Techniqueszbrush_hs_00_introductionzbrush_hs_01_01_custom_uizbrush_hs_01_02_mesh_creationzbrush_hs_01_03_clipping_brusheszbrush_hs_01_04_stampszbrush_hs_01_05_stamps_createzbrush_hs_02_conceptingzbrush_hs_03_torso_01zbrush_hs_04_torso_02zbrush_hs_05_armszbrush_hs_06_legszbrush_hs_07_headzbrush_hs_08_handszbrush_hs_09_torso_lowerzbrush_hs_10_leg_detailszbrush_hs_11_torso_detailszbrush_hs_12_arm_detailszbrush_hs_13_3dsmax_vrayzbrush_hs_14_photoshop
Eat3d Zbrush 4 Character Production 2 Torrent