In order to get the best out of Deckadance, you may need to take some time to familiarize yourself with the Audio options. Deckadance uses both audio inputs and outputs. Inputs are used to accept control signals from vinyl/CDJs and from microphones for PA (Public Address). Windows users- it is strongly recommended that you select an ASIO driver (ASIO4ALL for example) as Deckadance will run more smoothly with ASIO. Internal Mixer NOTE: In order to set a separate headphone (Cue) mix, you need to have an audio interface with, at least, two pairs of stereo outputs, one for the Monitor (headphone mix) and one for the Master (main mix). Surround-sound audio interfaces, for example, will have a pair of rear-speaker outputs that can be used for the Monitor mix. Professional DJ interfaces will havededicated headphone mix outputs. External Mixer NOTE: With the ability to use of 5 pairs of audio inputs and 6 pairs of outputs, you may find it useful to aggregate the inputs/outputs from several audio interfaces in Deckadance.Windows users can use ASIO4ALL while OSX, Mac users can use the Aggregate DeviceEditor. The options that show in the INPUT/OUTPUT drop down menus above depend on the audio interface/s connected to your computer.Audio Setup Audio device type - Select the audio driver type. PC: ASIO or Direct Sound (ASIO recommenced). Mac: This option is not available. device - Selects your soundcard/audio & driver. PC users: We recommend using the ASIO4ALL driver if you don't have specific hardware in mind. The Deckadance installer includes the ASIO4ALL. Test - Tests the Left and Right channels. Are you ready to test? Make sure no one has been fiddling with the amplifier volume controls! Sample rate - Select the play-back frequency of your audio interface. 44100 Hz (44.1 kHz) is most common although some interfaces use 48000 Hz (48 kHz). Latency - This is a working buffer (breathing space) used to avoid CPU overload. As the latency is increased the delay between moving a MIDI/interface control and hearing/seeing the result is at least equal to this setting (in ms). The ideal buffer is the smallest your computer can manage without causing glitches. Notes: Generally - For most DJ work there is no need to set a latency below 256 samples (5 ms @ 44.1 kHz). Elastique - When Elastique master tempo engine is active, a minimum suggested latency is 128 samples. We also recommend multiples of this latency in case longer latencies are required: 256, 512, 1024, 2048. DVS - For DVS 'scratching' we suggest that you disable the master tempo engine and reduce the latency as low as possible around (88 samples for an average computer and soundcard with good ASIO drivers). show this device's control panel - Opens the soundcard driver interface. Windows: If your audio interface does not have native ASIO drivers we recommend usingASIO4ALLsoundcard driver. This allows you to use morethan one audio input/output device.Input RoutingThe number of inputs available depends entirely on the Audio Device (soundcard, mixer or audio interface) you are using. INPUTS - Select audio input configuration. Your ability to use the options below will depend on the number of inputs your audio interface has: No inputs - Using only Deckadance internal decks. Mic - Using a single microphone input. You will either be announcing or singing. If you think you can sing, check with friends first! Your mother's opinion does not count. Input decks - You can have any combination of Vinyl or CDJ decks to a total of 4. Input decks + mic - You can have any combination of Vinyl or CDJ decks to a total of 4. Output RoutingThe number of outputs available depends entirely on the Audio Device (soundcard, mixer or audio interface) you are using. OUTPUTS - Select audio output configuration for internal or external audio mixing. Your ability to use the options below will depend on the number of outputs your audio interface has: Internal mixing - In this configuration you can select 2 stereo audio outputs. Headphones (Monitor) and Main outputs (Speakers/Mixing desk). External mixing - In this configuration you have the option to configure 6 stereo audio outputs. Headphones (Monitor), 4 stereo channels from decks A, B, C & D and an Auxiliary output to a sampler, recorder or some other device. NOTE: If you have a 'surround-sound' (5.1 or 7.1) audio interface, you can use the rear speaker outputs as a second audio out for headphones for example. Setting up your inputs & outputsSelect a soundcard - From the Audio Interface field, select a driver (see the screenshot above). This is your Soundcard or audio interface device labeled by the name of thesoundcard driver. Options available in this menu depend on the soundcard devices connected to your computer. Windows users will have access to theASIO4ALL universal soundcard driver included in the Deckadance installation. This will allow you to aggregate several audio devices into one towork with Deckadance. OSX, Mac users can also check out the 'Aggregate Device Editor' that allows you to set up custominputs/outputs from multiple audio devices also. Select a sample rate - 44100 Hz is the preferred default CD audio rate, however some soundcards, such as the Creative Audigy series, are limited to 48000 Hz (minimum).Set the soundcard latency - Open the Control Panel (ASIO settings) and adjust the soundcard latency. This is a working buffer with whichDeckadance performs mixing operations. Generally, shorter latencies put more load on your CPU (which can cause audio stuttering), however short latenciesare desirable for greater 'responsiveness' when scratching, for example. Soundcard latency is expressed in milliseconds or samples. 20 ms (882 samples @ 44.1 kHz)is sufficiently short for most DJ work. 10 ms or less (441 samples @ 44.1 kHz) ) is desirable if greater responsiveness is required. Experimentation will help youto determine what is suitable for your needs.Eliminating audio glitches: The shortest latency achievable without overloading the CPU and stuttering, will depend on your soundcard and computer speed. There are a number of options on the Preferences panel that can aid in reducing CPU load and stuttering if you find increasing the latency AND using an ASIO driver is not successful. Try selecting the 'Slow decoder analysis mode' & 'Disable Elastique master tempo and keylock engine' options. If you have more than one soundcard, or wish to use independent INPUT and OUTPUT devices, you can use the ASIO4ALL driver. This should make all the INPUTS/OUTPUTS on your audio devices available on the drop-down menus for each INPUT/OUTPUT category. Follow this link for more details.Headphone Mix - It is often useful to monitor decks while cueing tracks, without sound being passed to the Main Outputs of Deckadance. Where you see headphone symbols on the main interface, it means that an output can be sent to the Monitor Buss (usually a separate mix for the DJs Headphones). To set up this feature, you need to have either multiple audio devices or a soundcard with more than one output. If your soundcard has surround-sound capability, for example, you can use the rear channels to feed your headphone mix and select those in Monitor Left and Right settings in the Audio & MIDI Setup panel. In another 'low rent' approach, many USB headsets used with Skype etc, have a built in mic and are also headphones. These will appear as a USB audio device and will allow you to use the PA feature (from the mic) and to monitor your cueing, all hands-free (but is it cool? who knows!). Global Settings Global SettingsDisable Elastique master tempo and key lock engine - Can decrease CPU load for slower computers struggling to run Deckadance without audio glitches (don't forget to increase latency &use an ASIO driver).Disable Key analysis. Use key tag written by other programs - Check this option if you don't want to detect the key automatically using the built-in key detector (OpenKey format). Key tag will be read when the song is loaded what means that you can use the key detected by other programs ( will be converted internally to OpenKey format but the music file tag wouldn't be modified). Lock playing deck - Stops tracks loading on the playing deck. Perhaps we should rename this 'Stupidity filter' :) Slow Decoder / Analysis - Can decrease CPU load for slower computers struggling to run Deckadance without audio glitches (don't forget to increase latency &use an ASIO driver).BPM detector min. threshold - Set the lowest BMP the tempo detector will return. This is useful to stop spurious half speed tempo detections. Tempo range - Set the maximum range the pitch/tempo slider will cover.Automix SettingsCrossfade time - Automatic crossfade time in seconds (set from 1 to 100 seconds).Enable DJ Style Automix - When you have to go to the loo, select this option to play and crossfade automatically through the Playlist. Note:When selected the Play buttons for Decks A and B are disabled. Enable Bass X-Fade - Crossfades the bass along with the track volume. Useful for mixing difficult parts with conflicting drums. Note: When selected the Bass EQ knob is disabled.Mixer Settings Enable monitor phone split - Puts the Master mix (summed to mono) in the Right ear and Cue mix in the Left. Enable monitor overdrive - Colors the monitor signal and boots levels to make it easier to distinguish from the PA. Watch your ears! NOTE: Consider investing in a good set of 'in-ear' monitors, these effectively reduce the noise from the club PA, allowing you to monitor at levels significantly lower than normal, don't lose the beat. Enable crossfader reverse - Reverses the direction of the Crossfader. Enable crossfader curvature - Change the Crossfader action. 0 = fast fade, 100 = linear fade. When the option is deselected = 100. Snapshots SettingsSnapshots work as a group, only one of which can be active - Active column tick provide the capability to make a mutually exclusive choice among all the snapshots in the list.Layout General Layout Show spectral color waveform - More than just pretty colors! Engages the spectral display for the decks. Red hues are bass/low frequencies, blue colors are treble/high frequencies. Show color key - Shows key values with color in the track display and song manager key column. Useful to find harmonically compatible songs with your eyes. Show mixer channels ordered [ABCD]. When disabled [CABD] - Ordering of decks in the mixer channel. Show floating crossfader when mixer is hidden - The crossfader remains visible below the panels. Number of left / right utility panels - Choose between 0 to 4 panels on either side of the deck track preview window. Browser LayoutLearn more about the Browser here.Show cover art - Shows cover art in the Playlist.Show iTunes Library - If you have and iTunes library on your computer this will show it in Deckadance.Font size - Change the font size used in the library/browser.Tooltips Show Tooltips - Shows a help text in the Tool Tip window when you hover your mouse pointer over an item. Language - Choose from the usual set of 'imperialist' languages that, as usual, excludes Chinese, Hindi, Bengali & Punjabi that are spoken (in total) by more than 1/2 the worlds population. What a Euro-centric bunch we are, shame on us! If you would like to redress the balance please contact us and we can set you up with a table of text to translate into your language. File Management This section sets the default locations for -
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